Project: Identify Customer Segments

a Udacity Data Science Nanodegree project

by Zhenhan Huang

In [2]:
# import libraries here; add more as necessary
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

# magic word for producing visualizations in notebook
%matplotlib inline

Step 0: Load the Data

There are four files associated with this project (not including this one):

  • Udacity_AZDIAS_Subset.csv: Demographics data for the general population of Germany; 891211 persons (rows) x 85 features (columns).
  • Udacity_CUSTOMERS_Subset.csv: Demographics data for customers of a mail-order company; 191652 persons (rows) x 85 features (columns).
  • Detailed information file about the features in the provided datasets.
  • AZDIAS_Feature_Summary.csv: Summary of feature attributes for demographics data; 85 features (rows) x 4 columns
In [3]:
# Load in the general demographics data.
azdias = pd.read_csv("Udacity_AZDIAS_Subset.csv", sep=';')

# Load in the feature summary file.
feat_info = pd.read_csv("AZDIAS_Feature_Summary.csv", sep=';')
In [4]:
# Check the structure of the data after it's loaded (e.g. print the number of
# rows and columns, print the first few rows).

# TODO: Total number of rows
print("Total number of rows: " + str(azdias.shape[0]))

# TODO: Total number of columns
print("Total number of columns: " + str(azdias.shape[1]))

# First 5 rows
Total number of rows: 891221
Total number of columns: 85
0 -1 2 1 2.0 3 4 3 5 5 3 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 -1 1 2 5.0 1 5 2 5 4 5 ... 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 4.0
2 -1 3 2 3.0 1 4 1 2 3 5 ... 3.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 2.0
3 2 4 2 2.0 4 2 5 2 1 2 ... 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
4 -1 3 1 5.0 4 3 4 1 3 2 ... 2.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 5.0

5 rows × 85 columns

In [5]:
#randomly pick 10 features to check
attribute information_level type missing_or_unknown
68 INNENSTADT postcode ordinal [-1]
72 ONLINE_AFFINITAET region_rr1 ordinal []
4 FINANZ_MINIMALIST person ordinal [-1]
9 FINANZ_HAUSBAUER person ordinal [-1]
40 TITEL_KZ person categorical [-1,0]
11 GEBURTSJAHR person numeric [0]
52 GEBAEUDETYP building categorical [-1,0]
82 ARBEIT community ordinal [-1,9]
5 FINANZ_SPARER person ordinal [-1]
53 KONSUMNAEHE building ordinal []
In [6]:
feat_info[feat_info['attribute'] == 'PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
attribute information_level type missing_or_unknown
22 PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE person mixed [-1,0]

Tip: Add additional cells to keep everything in reasonably-sized chunks! Keyboard shortcut esc --> a (press escape to enter command mode, then press the 'A' key) adds a new cell before the active cell, and esc --> b adds a new cell after the active cell. If you need to convert an active cell to a markdown cell, use esc --> m and to convert to a code cell, use esc --> y.

Step 1: Preprocessing

Step 1.1: Assess Missing Data

Step 1.1.1: Convert Missing Value Codes to NaNs

In [7]:
# for f in list(azdias.columns):
#     azdias[f][azdias[f].isnull()] = np.nan
In [8]:
# Identify missing or unknown data values and convert them to NaNs.
col_names = azdias.columns.values.tolist()

def cov2NaNs(number):
    x = feat_info.missing_or_unknown[number] #Get the string expression of list
    x = x.replace(" ", "") #remove blank
    l = x[1:-1].split(',') #parse the elements
    for i in l:
        if i.lstrip('-').isdigit(): #if negative digit, convert to int
            azdias.iloc[:,number].replace(int(i), np.nan, inplace = True)
        elif i.isdigit(): #if positive digit, convert to int
            azdias.iloc[:,number].replace(int(i), np.nan, inplace = True)
        else: #For X or XX
            azdias.iloc[:,number].replace(i, np.nan, inplace = True)
In [9]:
for n in range(0,len(feat_info)):
In [10]:
#save the converted df
#azdias.to_csv('new_azdias.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
In [11]:
#check if successfuly converted
print(feat_info.missing_or_unknown[feat_info.attribute =='SEMIO_SOZ'])
print(azdias['SEMIO_SOZ'][azdias['SEMIO_SOZ'] == -1])
print(azdias['SEMIO_SOZ'][azdias['SEMIO_SOZ'] == 9])
24    [-1,9]
Name: missing_or_unknown, dtype: object
Series([], Name: SEMIO_SOZ, dtype: int64)
Series([], Name: SEMIO_SOZ, dtype: int64)
In [12]:
0         2
1         5
2         4
3         5
4         6
5         2
6         2
7         7
8         4
9         2
10        5
11        2
12        3
13        2
14        2
15        5
16        1
17        2
18        1
19        3
20        2
21        7
22        7
23        4
24        2
25        7
26        3
27        3
28        6
29        5
891191    2
891192    2
891193    6
891194    6
891195    5
891196    1
891197    1
891198    6
891199    7
891200    5
891201    4
891202    5
891203    2
891204    6
891205    3
891206    1
891207    1
891208    3
891209    5
891210    6
891211    4
891212    6
891213    2
891214    5
891215    2
891216    2
891217    4
891218    5
891219    7
891220    6
Name: SEMIO_SOZ, Length: 891221, dtype: int64

Step 1.1.2: Assess Missing Data in Each Column

How much missing data is present in each column?

Identify and document these columns. While some of these columns might have justifications for keeping or re-encoding the data.

For the remaining features, are there any patterns in which columns have, or share, missing data?

In [13]:
# #azdias['AGER_TYP'].isnull()
# print(len(azdias['AGER_TYP'][azdias['AGER_TYP'].isnull()]))
# print(len(pd.DataFrame([1,np.nan,2]).isnull()))
# print(len(azdias))
In [14]:
# Perform an assessment of how much missing data there is in each column of the
# dataset.

# vars_with_missing = []
# missings_cnt = []

# for f in azdias.columns:
#     missings = len(azdias[f][azdias[f].isnull()])
#     if missings > 0:
#         vars_with_missing.append(f)
#         missings_perc = missings/azdias.shape[0]
#         missings_cnt.append(missings)
#         print('Variable {} has {} records ({:.2%}) with missing values'.format(f, missings, missings_perc))
# print('In total, there are {} variables with missing values'.format(len(vars_with_missing)))
In [16]:
col_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'vars':azdias.columns, 'count_missing': azdias.isnull().sum(axis=0), 'missing_perc (%)': round(azdias.isnull().sum(axis=0)/azdias.shape[0],4)*100})
vars_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(col_with_missing[col_with_missing['count_missing']>0])
vars_with_missing.sort_values(by='count_missing', ascending=False, inplace=True)
vars_with_missing.reset_index(drop =True, inplace =True)
pd.options.display.max_rows = 61
print('In total, there are {} variables with missing values'.format(len(vars_with_missing)))
print('Columns which share the same proportion of missing values can be checked from the table below')
print('''e.g. columns share 14.96% missingess:

In total, there are 61 variables with missing values
Columns which share the same proportion of missing values can be checked from the table below
e.g. columns share 14.96% missingess:
vars count_missing missing_perc (%)
0 TITEL_KZ 889061 99.76
1 AGER_TYP 685843 76.96
2 KK_KUNDENTYP 584612 65.60
3 KBA05_BAUMAX 476524 53.47
4 GEBURTSJAHR 392318 44.02
5 ALTER_HH 310267 34.81
6 KKK 158064 17.74
7 REGIOTYP 158064 17.74
8 W_KEIT_KIND_HH 147988 16.61
9 KBA05_ANTG3 133324 14.96
10 KBA05_ANTG1 133324 14.96
11 KBA05_ANTG2 133324 14.96
12 KBA05_GBZ 133324 14.96
13 KBA05_ANTG4 133324 14.96
14 MOBI_REGIO 133324 14.96
15 PLZ8_ANTG2 116515 13.07
16 PLZ8_ANTG1 116515 13.07
17 PLZ8_ANTG3 116515 13.07
18 PLZ8_ANTG4 116515 13.07
19 PLZ8_BAUMAX 116515 13.07
20 PLZ8_HHZ 116515 13.07
21 PLZ8_GBZ 116515 13.07
22 VERS_TYP 111196 12.48
23 SHOPPER_TYP 111196 12.48
24 HEALTH_TYP 111196 12.48
25 NATIONALITAET_KZ 108315 12.15
27 KBA13_ANZAHL_PKW 105800 11.87
28 ANZ_HAUSHALTE_AKTIV 99611 11.18
29 CAMEO_INTL_2015 99352 11.15
30 CAMEO_DEUG_2015 99352 11.15
31 CAMEO_DEU_2015 99352 11.15
32 LP_LEBENSPHASE_FEIN 97632 10.95
33 ARBEIT 97375 10.93
34 RELAT_AB 97375 10.93
35 ORTSGR_KLS9 97274 10.91
36 ANZ_HH_TITEL 97008 10.88
37 LP_LEBENSPHASE_GROB 94572 10.61
38 INNENSTADT 93740 10.52
39 BALLRAUM 93740 10.52
40 EWDICHTE 93740 10.52
42 WOHNLAGE 93148 10.45
43 OST_WEST_KZ 93148 10.45
44 MIN_GEBAEUDEJAHR 93148 10.45
45 GEBAEUDETYP 93148 10.45
46 LP_FAMILIE_GROB 77792 8.73
47 LP_FAMILIE_FEIN 77792 8.73
48 KONSUMNAEHE 73969 8.30
49 WOHNDAUER_2008 73499 8.25
50 ANZ_TITEL 73499 8.25
51 ANZ_PERSONEN 73499 8.25
52 SOHO_KZ 73499 8.25
53 HH_EINKOMMEN_SCORE 18348 2.06
54 RETOURTYP_BK_S 4854 0.54
55 LP_STATUS_GROB 4854 0.54
56 LP_STATUS_FEIN 4854 0.54
57 GFK_URLAUBERTYP 4854 0.54
58 CJT_GESAMTTYP 4854 0.54
In [17]:
# Investigate patterns in the amount of missing data in each column.
col_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'vars': list(vars_with_missing['vars']), 'count': list(vars_with_missing['count_missing'])})
vars_with_missing = list(vars_with_missing['vars'])
ax ='vars', y='count', rot=90, figsize=(25,5))
In [18]:
#visualize the location of missing values (for all features which have missing values)
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10)) 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10bee1668>
In [19]:
# Remove the outlier columns from the dataset. (You'll perform other data
# engineering tasks such as re-encoding and imputation later.)

#Remove columns with more than 200000 rows of missing values (these colums also have many countious rows with missing values from plot above)
outlier_vars = list(col_missing['vars'][col_missing['count'] >= 200000])
azdias_new = pd.DataFrame(azdias.drop(outlier_vars, axis=1))

#get the updated list of remaining features
new_vars_with_missing = [v for v in vars_with_missing if v not in outlier_vars]

In [20]:
# cnt = list(col_missing['count'])
# col_missing['count_z_score'] = (cnt-np.mean(cnt))/np.std(cnt)

# #Remove columns with z-score greater than 1.55 (beyond 84.38% percentile)
# outlier_vars = list(col_missing['vars'][col_missing['count_z_score'] >= 1.11])
# azdias_new = pd.DataFrame(azdias.drop(outlier_vars, axis=1))

# #get the updated list of remaining features
# new_vars_with_missing = [v for v in vars_with_missing if v not in outlier_vars]

# outlier_vars
In [21]:
0 2.0 1 2.0 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1.0 2 5.0 1 5 2 5 4 5 1 ... 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 4.0
2 3.0 2 3.0 1 4 1 2 3 5 1 ... 3.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 2.0
3 4.0 2 2.0 4 2 5 2 1 2 6 ... 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
4 3.0 1 5.0 4 3 4 1 3 2 5 ... 2.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 5.0

5 rows × 79 columns

In [22]:
#visualize the location of missing values (for the remaining features after outliers removed)

fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10)) 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e8ba668>

Discussion 1.1.2: Assess Missing Data in Each Column

In total, there are 61 variables with missing values. Most of them have less than 200000 missing values. However, the feature: 'AGER_TYP','GEBURTSJAHR','TITEL_KZ','ALTER_HH','KK_KUNDENTYP','KBA05_BAUMAX' are with amount of missing values far beyond 200000(~22%). Those features are remove from the dataset. Also, from the heatmaps, we can see that missingness in rows with missging values run through multiple columns. This is a benefit since we can simply remove those rows with large amount of missginess to solve most of the missing values.

Step 1.1.3: Assess Missing Data in Each Row

In [23]:
# How much data is missing in each row of the dataset now?
row_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'row_idx':azdias_new.index, 'count_missing': azdias_new.isnull().sum(axis=1)})

#how many rows with missing value
num_miss_row = azdias_new.index[azdias_new.isnull().any(axis=1)]

print('There are {} rows with totally {} missing values.'.format(len(num_miss_row), np.sum(row_with_missing['count_missing'])))
There are 268012 rows with totally 5035304 missing values.
In [24]:
#plot histogram of missingness in rows to choose a suitable threshold
(array([6.97109e+05, 7.76340e+04, 1.28010e+04, 9.53300e+03, 8.29000e+02,
        1.55000e+02, 1.40160e+04, 5.03100e+03, 2.80380e+04, 4.60750e+04]),
 array([ 0. ,  4.9,  9.8, 14.7, 19.6, 24.5, 29.4, 34.3, 39.2, 44.1, 49. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [25]:
# plt.hist(row_with_missing['count_z_score'])
In [26]:
# cnt = list(row_with_missing['count_missing'])
# row_with_missing['count_z_score'] = (cnt-np.mean(cnt))/np.std(cnt)

# #Remove columns with z-score less than 1.85 (under xx% percentile)
# azdias_new['subset_label'] = np.where(row_with_missing['count_z_score'] < 0.9, 'z-score < 1.9', 'z_score >= 1.9')
# print('There are {} rows in first subset and {} rows in the second subset.'.format(sum(azdias_new['subset_label']=='z-score < 1.9'), sum(azdias_new['subset_label']== 'z_score >= 1.9')))
# azdias_new.head(20)
In [27]:
# Write code to divide the data into two subsets based on the number of missing
# values in each row.

#assign subset labels to divide dataset into two groups
#from the histogram above, I choose 10 as the threshold of missing values to subset the data (suggested by the reviewer)

azdias_new['subset_label'] = np.where(row_with_missing['count_missing'] < 10, 'missingness < 10', 'missingness >= 10')

print('There are {} rows in first subset and {} rows in the second subset.'.format(sum(azdias_new['subset_label']=='missingness < 10'), sum(azdias_new['subset_label']== 'missingness >= 10')))
There are 774743 rows in first subset and 116478 rows in the second subset.
0 2.0 1 2.0 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN missingness >= 10
1 1.0 2 5.0 1 5 2 5 4 5 1 ... 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 4.0 missingness < 10
2 3.0 2 3.0 1 4 1 2 3 5 1 ... 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 missingness < 10
3 4.0 2 2.0 4 2 5 2 1 2 6 ... 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 missingness < 10
4 3.0 1 5.0 4 3 4 1 3 2 5 ... 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 5.0 missingness < 10
5 1.0 2 2.0 3 1 5 2 2 5 2 ... 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 missingness < 10
6 2.0 2 5.0 1 5 1 5 4 3 4 ... 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 missingness < 10
7 1.0 1 3.0 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 ... 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 missingness < 10
8 3.0 1 3.0 4 4 2 4 2 2 6 ... 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 missingness < 10
9 3.0 2 4.0 2 4 2 3 5 4 1 ... 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 missingness < 10
10 3.0 2 1.0 2 2 5 3 1 5 6 ... 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 5.0 missingness < 10
11 2.0 1 6.0 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN missingness >= 10
12 3.0 1 6.0 5 3 4 2 4 1 3 ... 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 missingness < 10
13 1.0 2 5.0 1 4 3 5 5 2 1 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 missingness < 10
14 3.0 1 6.0 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN missingness >= 10
15 4.0 2 4.0 4 1 5 1 1 4 2 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.0 8.0 5.0 missingness < 10
16 1.0 2 1.0 4 3 1 4 5 1 3 ... 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 missingness < 10
17 2.0 1 6.0 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN missingness >= 10
18 2.0 2 6.0 2 4 1 5 4 1 1 ... 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 missingness < 10
19 3.0 1 3.0 5 2 3 1 3 1 5 ... 4.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 missingness < 10

20 rows × 80 columns

In [28]:
#prepare several columns that are not missing data or a few missing data for comparison

col_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'vars':azdias_new.columns, 'count_missing': azdias_new.isnull().sum(axis=0)})
col_with_missing.sort_values(by='count_missing', ascending=True, inplace=True)

#get first 10 features with smallest missingness
vars_for_plot = list(col_with_missing['vars'])[0:10]

#display the 10 features
vars count_missing
In [29]:
# Compare the distribution of values for at least five columns where there are
# no or few missing values, between the two subsets.

for f in vars_for_plot:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
    sns.countplot(ax=ax, x=f, hue="subset_label", data=azdias_new)
    plt.ylabel('count', fontsize=10)
    plt.xlabel(f, fontsize=10)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10);
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
In [30]:
#create the updated azdias dataset
azdias_new = pd.DataFrame(azdias_new[azdias_new['subset_label'] == 'missingness < 10'])
In [31]:
azdias_new.drop(['subset_label'], axis=1, inplace = True)
In [32]:
#visualize the location of missingness for the new dataset

fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10)) 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10f7ae208>

Discussion 1.1.3: Assess Missing Data in Each Row

From the histogram, we can see that the amount of the missging values in each row is mostly under 10 (suggested by the reviewer). So, we can simply remove rows with more than 5 missging values without reducing many rows at the same time. From the countplots, we can see that the patterns, for some of the featrues, has no big difference in the data with lots of missing values than that in data with few or no missing values. However, for some of the them, there are differences.

Step 1.2: Select and Re-Encode Features

In [33]:
# How many features are there of each data type?
for v in outlier_vars:
    feat_info = feat_info[feat_info['attribute'] != v]
pd.DataFrame({'count' : feat_info.groupby(['type']).size()}).reset_index()
type count
0 categorical 18
1 mixed 6
2 numeric 6
3 ordinal 49

Step 1.2.1: Re-Encode Categorical Features

In [34]:
#get the list of categorical data
cat_mix_vars = feat_info['attribute'][feat_info['type'] == 'categorical']
2            ANREDE_KZ
10           FINANZTYP
Name: attribute, dtype: object
In [35]:
# Assess categorical variables: which are binary, which are multi-level, and
# which one needs to be re-encoded?
mat_cat_mix = pd.DataFrame([[v, pd.unique(azdias_new[v]), len(pd.unique(azdias_new[v])), 'binary' if len(pd.unique(azdias_new[v])) == 2 else 'multi'] for v in cat_mix_vars])
mat_cat_mix.columns = ['feature', 'level', 'number_of _levels', 'type']

#display levels of each categorical features
feature level number_of _levels type
0 ANREDE_KZ [2, 1] 2 binary
1 CJT_GESAMTTYP [5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0, 6.0] 6 multi
2 FINANZTYP [1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3] 6 multi
3 GFK_URLAUBERTYP [10.0, 1.0, 5.0, 12.0, 9.0, 3.0, 8.0, 11.0, 4.... 12 multi
4 GREEN_AVANTGARDE [0, 1] 2 binary
5 LP_FAMILIE_FEIN [5.0, 1.0, nan, 10.0, 2.0, 7.0, 11.0, 8.0, 4.0... 12 multi
6 LP_FAMILIE_GROB [3.0, 1.0, nan, 5.0, 2.0, 4.0] 6 multi
7 LP_STATUS_FEIN [2.0, 3.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 10.0, 5.0, 8.0, 6.0,... 10 multi
8 LP_STATUS_GROB [1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0] 5 multi
9 NATIONALITAET_KZ [1.0, 3.0, 2.0, nan] 4 multi
10 SHOPPER_TYP [3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, nan] 5 multi
11 SOHO_KZ [1.0, 0.0] 2 binary
12 VERS_TYP [2.0, 1.0, nan] 3 multi
13 ZABEOTYP [5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2] 6 multi
14 GEBAEUDETYP [8.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 6.0, 4.0, 5.0] 7 multi
15 OST_WEST_KZ [W, O] 2 binary
16 CAMEO_DEUG_2015 [8, 4, 2, 6, 1, 9, 5, 7, 3, nan] 10 multi
17 CAMEO_DEU_2015 [8A, 4C, 2A, 6B, 8C, 4A, 2D, 1A, 1E, 9D, 5C, 8... 45 multi

It shows that ANREDE_KZ, GREEN_AVANTGARDE and SOHO_KZ are binary features,

OST_WEST_KZ needs to be re-encoded

and the rest are multi-levels

In [36]:
#drop features with more than 10 levels from azdias_new

varstodrop = list(mat_cat_mix['feature'][mat_cat_mix['number_of _levels'] > 10])
varstodrop.append('GEBAEUDETYP') #since there is no 5.0 level in customer data

azdias_new = pd.DataFrame(azdias_new.drop(varstodrop, axis=1))
In [37]:
In [38]:
(774743, 75)
In [39]:
# Re-encode the levels in ANREDE_KZ, SOHO_KZ and OST_WEST_KZ into [0,1]

azdias_new['ANREDE_KZ'] = azdias_new['ANREDE_KZ'].map({1:0, 2:1})
azdias_new['SOHO_KZ'] = azdias_new['SOHO_KZ'].map({0.0:0, 1.0:1})
azdias_new['OST_WEST_KZ'] = azdias_new['OST_WEST_KZ'].map({'W':0, 'O':1})
In [40]:
#remove from varstodrop
for v in varstodrop:
    mat_cat_mix.drop(mat_cat_mix[mat_cat_mix['feature'] == v].index, inplace=True)
In [41]:
#exempt binary features
#mat_cat_mix.drop(mat_cat_mix[mat_cat_mix['type'] == 'binary'].index, inplace=True)
In [42]:
feature level number_of _levels type
0 ANREDE_KZ [2, 1] 2 binary
1 CJT_GESAMTTYP [5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0, 6.0] 6 multi
2 FINANZTYP [1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3] 6 multi
4 GREEN_AVANTGARDE [0, 1] 2 binary
6 LP_FAMILIE_GROB [3.0, 1.0, nan, 5.0, 2.0, 4.0] 6 multi
7 LP_STATUS_FEIN [2.0, 3.0, 9.0, 4.0, 1.0, 10.0, 5.0, 8.0, 6.0,... 10 multi
8 LP_STATUS_GROB [1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0] 5 multi
9 NATIONALITAET_KZ [1.0, 3.0, 2.0, nan] 4 multi
10 SHOPPER_TYP [3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, nan] 5 multi
11 SOHO_KZ [1.0, 0.0] 2 binary
12 VERS_TYP [2.0, 1.0, nan] 3 multi
13 ZABEOTYP [5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2] 6 multi
15 OST_WEST_KZ [W, O] 2 binary
16 CAMEO_DEUG_2015 [8, 4, 2, 6, 1, 9, 5, 7, 3, nan] 10 multi
In [43]:
# Re-encode categorical variable(s) to be kept in the analysis.

vars_to_encode = list(mat_cat_mix['feature'])

azdias_encoded = pd.DataFrame(pd.get_dummies(azdias_new, prefix=vars_to_encode, columns=vars_to_encode))

azdias_encoded.reset_index(drop=True, inplace= True)


0 1.0 1 5 2 5 4 5 3.0 21.0 6.0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
1 3.0 1 4 1 2 3 5 3.0 3.0 1.0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 4.0 4 2 5 2 1 2 2.0 NaN NaN ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 3.0 4 3 4 1 3 2 3.0 32.0 10.0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
4 1.0 3 1 5 2 2 5 3.0 8.0 2.0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
5 2.0 1 5 1 5 4 3 2.0 2.0 1.0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 1.0 3 3 4 1 3 2 1.0 5.0 2.0 ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 3.0 4 4 2 4 2 2 3.0 10.0 3.0 ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 3.0 2 4 2 3 5 4 2.0 4.0 1.0 ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 3.0 2 2 5 3 1 5 2.0 6.0 2.0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

10 rows × 125 columns

In [44]:

Discussion 1.2.1: Re-Encode Categorical Features

I first came up with a matrix with feature name, levels, number_of_levels, type of each categorical features so that I have the map to perform featrue engineering. Then I drop features with more than 10 levels from the dataset, they are: 'GFK_URLAUBERTYP', 'LP_FAMILIE_FEIN', 'CAMEO_DEU_2015', 'GEBAEUDETYP'. After that, I re-encode the levels in ANREDE_KZ, SOHO_KZ and OST_WEST_KZ into 0,1. Finally, I re-encode categorical variable(s) to be kept in the analysis.

Step 1.2.2: Engineer Mixed-Type Features

There are a handful of features that are marked as "mixed" in the feature summary that require special treatment in order to be included in the analysis. There are two in particular that deserve attention; the handling of the rest are up to your own choices:

  • "PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE" combines information on three dimensions: generation by decade, movement (mainstream vs. avantgarde), and nation (east vs. west). While there aren't enough levels to disentangle east from west, you should create two new variables to capture the other two dimensions: an interval-type variable for decade, and a binary variable for movement.
  • "CAMEO_INTL_2015" combines information on two axes: wealth and life stage. Break up the two-digit codes by their 'tens'-place and 'ones'-place digits into two new ordinal variables (which, for the purposes of this project, is equivalent to just treating them as their raw numeric values).
In [45]:
#display mixed variables
mixed_vars = feat_info['attribute'][feat_info['type'] == 'mixed']

56                 WOHNLAGE
59          CAMEO_INTL_2015
79              PLZ8_BAUMAX
Name: attribute, dtype: object
In [46]:
mat_mixed = pd.DataFrame([[v, pd.unique(azdias_new[v]), len(pd.unique(azdias_new[v]))] for v in mixed_vars])
mat_mixed.columns = ['feature', 'level', 'number_of _levels']

#display levels of each mixed feature
feature level number_of _levels
0 LP_LEBENSPHASE_FEIN [21.0, 3.0, nan, 32.0, 8.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 4.... 41
1 LP_LEBENSPHASE_GROB [6.0, 1.0, nan, 10.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 12.0... 13
2 PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE [14.0, 15.0, 8.0, 3.0, 10.0, 11.0, 5.0, 9.0, 6... 16
3 WOHNLAGE [4.0, 2.0, 7.0, 3.0, 5.0, 1.0, 8.0, 0.0] 8
4 CAMEO_INTL_2015 [51, 24, 12, 43, 54, 22, 14, 13, 15, 33, 41, 3... 22
5 PLZ8_BAUMAX [1.0, 2.0, nan, 4.0, 5.0, 3.0] 6
In [47]:
# Investigate "PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE" and engineer two new variables.

#it shows there are 16 out of 16 levels including nan.

#duplicate two "PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE" columns
azdias_encoded['PJ_decade'] = azdias_encoded['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
azdias_encoded['PJ_movement'] = azdias_encoded['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
[14. 15.  8.  3. 10. 11.  5.  9.  6.  4. nan  2.  1. 12. 13.  7.]
In [48]:
x = {1.0: 40, 2.0: 40, 3.0: 50, 4.0: 50, 5.0: 60, 6.0: 60, 7.0: 60, 8.0: 70, 9.0: 70, 10.0: 80, 11.0: 80, 12.0: 80, 13.0: 80, 14.0: 90, 15.0: 90}

y = {1.0: 'Mainstream', 2.0: 'Avantgarde', 3.0: 'Mainstream', 4.0: 'Avantgarde', 
     5.0: 'Mainstream', 6.0: 'Avantgarde', 7.0: 'Avantgarde', 8.0: 'Mainstream', 9: 'Avantgarde', 
     10.0: 'Mainstream', 11.0: 'Avantgarde', 12.0: 'Avantgarde', 13.0: 'Avantgarde', 14.0: 'Mainstream', 15.0: 'Avantgarde'}

#mapping and converting two newly created columns
azdias_encoded['PJ_decade'] = azdias_encoded['PJ_decade'].map(x)
azdias_encoded['PJ_movement'] = azdias_encoded['PJ_movement'].map(y)
azdias_encoded['PJ_movement'] = azdias_encoded['PJ_movement'].map({'Mainstream':0, 'Avantgarde':1})
In [49]:
# Investigate "CAMEO_INTL_2015" and engineer two new variables.

#it shows there are 22 out of 25 levels including nan.

#duplicate two "CAMEO_INTL_2015" columns
azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'] = pd.DataFrame(azdias_encoded['CAMEO_INTL_2015'])
azdias_encoded['CAMEO_life'] = pd.DataFrame(azdias_encoded['CAMEO_INTL_2015'])

#map and convert
not_nan = azdias_encoded['CAMEO_INTL_2015'][azdias_encoded['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()]
azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'][azdias_encoded['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()] = [int(r)%5 for r in not_nan]
#azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'] = azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'].map({0: 5}) map can be used with all unique values be mapped.
azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'][azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'] == 0] = 5
azdias_encoded['CAMEO_life'][azdias_encoded['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()] = [int(int(r)/10) for r in not_nan]

#check uniqueness
['51' '24' '12' '43' '54' '22' '14' '13' '15' '33' '41' '34' '55' '25' nan
 '23' '31' '52' '35' '45' '44' '32']
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  if sys.path[0] == '':
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
[1 4 2 3 5 nan]
[5 2 1 4 3 nan]
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app
In [50]:
In [51]:
In [52]:


azdias_encoded = pd.DataFrame(azdias_encoded.drop(drop_vars, axis=1))

Discussion 1.2.2: Engineer Mixed-Type Features

Similar to what I did for categorical featrues. I first came up with a matrix with feature name, levels, number_of_levels of each Mixed features so that I have the map to perform featrue engineering. Then I map and convert 'CAMEO_INTL_2015' and 'PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE' into seperately two new columns.

WOHNLAGE : This variable is mostly ordinal from levels 1-5, depicting a building’s neighborhood quality from very good to very poor. The issue is that levels 7 and 8 (there’s no 6) are a flag for if the building is in a rural neighborhood, disconnected from neighborhood quality. Since separately re-encode them will cause massive missingness, and I do not want to encode the nan into a new column so that I decide to drop it, I decide to drop it.

PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE: This variable shows dominating movement of person's youth (avantgarde vs. mainstream; east Germany vs. west Germany) and scales from 1 to 15, with -1,0 unknown. I set x = {1.0: 40, 2.0: 40, 3.0: 50, 4.0: 50, 5.0: 60, 6.0: 60, 7.0: 60, 8.0: 70, 9.0: 70, 10.0: 80, 11.0: 80, 12.0: 80, 13.0: 80, 14.0: 90, 15.0: 90} and y = {1.0: 'Mainstream', 2.0: 'Avantgarde', 3.0: 'Mainstream', 4.0: 'Avantgarde', 5.0: 'Mainstream', 6.0: 'Avantgarde', 7.0: 'Avantgarde', 8.0: 'Mainstream', 9: 'Avantgarde', 10.0: 'Mainstream', 11.0: 'Avantgarde', 12.0: 'Avantgarde', 13.0: 'Avantgarde', 14.0: 'Mainstream', 15.0: 'Avantgarde'} Then I duplicate 'PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE' into 'PJ_decade' and 'PJ_movement' and map the former by x and the latter y. After that I remove 'PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE'.

CAMEO_INTL_2015: This variable shows German CAMEO: Wealth / Life Stage Typology, mapped to international code: 11-15, 21-25...51-55, with 1 and XX unknown. I duplicate 'CAMEO_INTL_2015' into 'CAMEO_wealth' and 'CAMEO_life'. Then I map the former by using trick int(r)%5 in order to take the remainder and map the remainder 0 to 5 so that we can have all wealth scales mapped. I map the CAMEO_life by using trick int(int(r)/10) in order to take the ten-digit number so that we can have all life scales mapped.

PLZ8_BAUMAX: It records most common building type within the PLZ8 region. Similar situation to WOHNLAGE, re-encoding it will cause massive missingess and I do not want to encode the nan into a new column so that I decide to drop it.

For featrue 'LP_LEBENSPHASE_FEIN' (Life stage, fine scale) and 'LP_LEBENSPHASE_GROB' (Life stage, rough scale), since the levels in LP_LEBENSPHASE_FEIN and LP_LEBENSPHASE_GROB are large (especially LP_LEBENSPHASE_FEIN with more than 40 levels created by 'LP_FAMILIE_FEIN', 'LP_FAMILIE_GROB', 'LP_STATUS_GROB'), I decide to drop them.

Step 1.2.3: Complete Feature Selection

In [53]:
# How much data is missing in each row of the dataset now?
row_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'row_idx':azdias_encoded.index, 'count_missing': azdias_encoded.isnull().sum(axis=1)})

#how many rows with missing value
num_miss_row = azdias_encoded.index[azdias_encoded.isnull().any(axis=1)]

print('There are {} rows with totally {} missing values.'.format(len(num_miss_row), np.sum(row_with_missing['count_missing'])))
There are 151532 rows with totally 477018 missing values.
In [54]:
# If there are other re-engineering tasks you need to perform, make sure you
# take care of them here. (Dealing with missing data will come in step 2.1.)
In [55]:
# Do whatever you need to in order to ensure that the dataframe only contains
# the columns that should be passed to the algorithm functions.
In [56]:
#visualize the location of missingness for the new dataset

fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10)) 
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10bba4eb8>

Step 1.3: Create a Cleaning Function

In [57]:
# def clean_data(df, n_for_cols, n_for_rows):
#     """
#     Perform feature trimming, re-encoding, and engineering for demographics
#     data
#     INPUT: Demographics DataFrame
#     OUTPUT: Trimmed and cleaned demographics DataFrame
#     """
#     # Put in code here to execute all main cleaning steps:
#     # convert missing value codes into NaNs, ...
#     # Identify missing or unknown data values and convert them to NaNs.
# #     for f in list(azdias.columns):
# #     azdias[f][azdias[f].isnull()] = np.nan
#     feat_info = pd.read_csv("AZDIAS_Feature_Summary.csv", sep=';')
#     for number in range(0,len(feat_info)):
#         x = feat_info.missing_or_unknown[number] #Get the string expression of list
#         x = x.replace(" ", "") #remove blank
#         l = x[1:-1].split(',') #parse the elements
#         for i in l:
#             if i.lstrip('-').isdigit(): #if negative digit, convert to int
#                 df.iloc[:,number].replace(int(i), np.nan, inplace = True)
#             elif i.isdigit(): #if positive digit, convert to int
#                 df.iloc[:,number].replace(int(i), np.nan, inplace = True)
#             else: #For X or XX
#                 df.iloc[:,number].replace(i, np.nan, inplace = True)
#     # remove selected columns and rows, ...
#     #remove columns
#     col_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'vars':df.columns, 'count_missing': df.isnull().sum(axis=0)})
#     outlier_vars = list(col_missing['vars'][col_missing['count_missing'] >= n_for_cols])
#     df = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(outlier_vars, axis=1))
#     #remove rows
#     row_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'row_idx':df.index, 'count_missing': df.isnull().sum(axis=1)})
#     df = pd.DataFrame(df[row_with_missing['count_missing'] < n_for_rows])
#     # select, re-encode, and engineer column values.
#     #drop features with more than 10 levels from azdias_new
#     for v in outlier_vars:
#         feat_info = feat_info[feat_info['attribute'] != v]
#     cat_mix_vars = feat_info['attribute'][feat_info['type'] == 'categorical']
#     mat_cat_mix = pd.DataFrame([[v, pd.unique(df[v]), len(pd.unique(df[v])), 'binary' if len(pd.unique(df[v])) == 2 else 'multi'] for v in cat_mix_vars])
#     mat_cat_mix.columns = ['feature', 'level', 'number_of _levels', 'type']
#     varstodrop = mat_cat_mix['feature'][mat_cat_mix['number_of _levels'] > 10]
#     df = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(varstodrop, axis=1))
#     # Re-encode the levels in ANREDE_KZ, SOHO_KZ and OST_WEST_KZ into [0,1]
#     df['ANREDE_KZ'] = df['ANREDE_KZ'].map({1:0, 2:1})
#     df['SOHO_KZ'] = df['SOHO_KZ'].map({0.0:0, 1.0:1})
#     df['OST_WEST_KZ'] = df['OST_WEST_KZ'].map({'W':0, 'O':1})

#     #remove from varstodrop
#     for v in varstodrop:
#         mat_cat_mix.drop(mat_cat_mix[mat_cat_mix['feature'] == v].index, inplace=True)
#     #exempt binary features
#     mat_cat_mix.drop(mat_cat_mix[mat_cat_mix['type'] == 'binary'].index, inplace=True)
#     # Re-encode categorical variable(s) to be kept in the analysis.

#     vars_to_encode = list(mat_cat_mix['feature'])
#     df = pd.DataFrame(pd.get_dummies(df, prefix=vars_to_encode, columns=vars_to_encode))
#     df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace= True)
#     # mixed variables
#     mixed_vars = feat_info['attribute'][feat_info['type'] == 'mixed']
#     mat_mixed = pd.DataFrame([[v, pd.unique(df[v]), len(pd.unique(df[v]))] for v in mixed_vars])
#     mat_mixed.columns = ['feature', 'level', 'number_of _levels']
#     df['PJ_decade'] = df['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
#     df['PJ_movement'] = df['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
#     x = {1.0: 40, 2.0: 40, 3.0: 50, 4.0: 50, 5.0: 60, 6.0: 60, 7.0: 60, 8.0: 70, 9.0: 70, 10.0: 80, 11.0: 80, 12.0: 80, 13.0: 80, 14.0: 90, 15.0: 90}

#     y = {1.0: 'Mainstream', 2.0: 'Avantgarde', 3.0: 'Mainstream', 4.0: 'Avantgarde', 
#          5.0: 'Mainstream', 6.0: 'Avantgarde', 7.0: 'Avantgarde', 8.0: 'Mainstream', 9: 'Avantgarde', 
#          10.0: 'Mainstream', 11.0: 'Avantgarde', 12.0: 'Avantgarde', 13.0: 'Avantgarde', 14.0: 'Mainstream', 15.0: 'Avantgarde'}

#     #mapping and converting two newly created columns
#     df['PJ_decade'] = df['PJ_decade'].map(x)
#     df['PJ_movement'] = df['PJ_movement'].map(y)
#     df['PJ_movement'] = df['PJ_movement'].map({'Mainstream':0, 'Avantgarde':1})
#     #duplicate two "CAMEO_INTL_2015" columns
#     df['CAMEO_wealth'] = pd.DataFrame(df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'])
#     df['CAMEO_life'] = pd.DataFrame(df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'])

#     #map and convert
#     not_nan = df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'][df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()]
#     df['CAMEO_wealth'][df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()] = [int(r)%5 for r in not_nan]
#     #azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'] = azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'].map({0: 5}) map can be used with all unique values be mapped.
#     df['CAMEO_wealth'][df['CAMEO_wealth'] == 0] = 5
#     df['CAMEO_life'][df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()] = [int(int(r)/10) for r in not_nan]
#     #drop original columns
#     drop_vars = ['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE','CAMEO_INTL_2015']
#     df = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(drop_vars, axis=1))
#     df_new = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(drop_vars, axis=1))
#     # Return the cleaned dataframe.
#     return df_new
In [58]:
def clean_data(df, n_for_rows):
    Perform feature trimming, re-encoding, and engineering for demographics
    INPUT: Demographics DataFrame
    OUTPUT: Trimmed and cleaned demographics DataFrame
    # Put in code here to execute all main cleaning steps:
    # convert missing value codes into NaNs, ...
    # Identify missing or unknown data values and convert them to NaNs.
#     for f in list(azdias.columns):
#     azdias[f][azdias[f].isnull()] = np.nan
    feat_info = pd.read_csv("AZDIAS_Feature_Summary.csv", sep=';')
    for number in range(0,len(feat_info)):
        x = feat_info.missing_or_unknown[number] #Get the string expression of list
        x = x.replace(" ", "") #remove blank
        l = x[1:-1].split(',') #parse the elements
        for i in l:
            if i.lstrip('-').isdigit(): #if negative digit, convert to int
                df.iloc[:,number].replace(int(i), np.nan, inplace = True)
            elif i.isdigit(): #if positive digit, convert to int
                df.iloc[:,number].replace(int(i), np.nan, inplace = True)
            else: #For X or XX
                df.iloc[:,number].replace(i, np.nan, inplace = True)
    # remove selected columns and rows, ...
    #remove columns
    df = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(outlier_vars, axis=1))
    #remove rows
    row_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'row_idx':df.index, 'count_missing': df.isnull().sum(axis=1)})
    df = pd.DataFrame(df[row_with_missing['count_missing'] < n_for_rows])
    # select, re-encode, and engineer column values.
    #drop features with more than 10 levels from azdias_new
    df = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(varstodrop, axis=1))
    # Re-encode the levels in ANREDE_KZ, SOHO_KZ and OST_WEST_KZ into [0,1]
    df['ANREDE_KZ'] = df['ANREDE_KZ'].map({1:0, 2:1})
    df['SOHO_KZ'] = df['SOHO_KZ'].map({0.0:0, 1.0:1})
    df['OST_WEST_KZ'] = df['OST_WEST_KZ'].map({'W':0, 'O':1})
    df = pd.DataFrame(pd.get_dummies(df, prefix=vars_to_encode, columns=vars_to_encode))
    df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace= True)
    # mixed variables
    df['PJ_decade'] = df['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
    df['PJ_movement'] = df['PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE']
    x = {1.0: 40, 2.0: 40, 3.0: 50, 4.0: 50, 5.0: 60, 6.0: 60, 7.0: 60, 8.0: 70, 9.0: 70, 10.0: 80, 11.0: 80, 12.0: 80, 13.0: 80, 14.0: 90, 15.0: 90}

    y = {1.0: 'Mainstream', 2.0: 'Avantgarde', 3.0: 'Mainstream', 4.0: 'Avantgarde', 
         5.0: 'Mainstream', 6.0: 'Avantgarde', 7.0: 'Avantgarde', 8.0: 'Mainstream', 9: 'Avantgarde', 
         10.0: 'Mainstream', 11.0: 'Avantgarde', 12.0: 'Avantgarde', 13.0: 'Avantgarde', 14.0: 'Mainstream', 15.0: 'Avantgarde'}

    #mapping and converting two newly created columns
    df['PJ_decade'] = df['PJ_decade'].map(x)
    df['PJ_movement'] = df['PJ_movement'].map(y)
    df['PJ_movement'] = df['PJ_movement'].map({'Mainstream':0, 'Avantgarde':1})
    #duplicate two "CAMEO_INTL_2015" columns
    df['CAMEO_wealth'] = pd.DataFrame(df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'])
    df['CAMEO_life'] = pd.DataFrame(df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'])

    #map and convert
    not_nan = df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'][df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()]
    df['CAMEO_wealth'][df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()] = [int(r)%5 for r in not_nan]
    #azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'] = azdias_encoded['CAMEO_wealth'].map({0: 5}) map can be used with all unique values be mapped.
    df['CAMEO_wealth'][df['CAMEO_wealth'] == 0] = 5
    df['CAMEO_life'][df['CAMEO_INTL_2015'].notnull()] = [int(int(r)/10) for r in not_nan]
    #drop columns
    df_new = pd.DataFrame(df.drop(drop_vars, axis=1))
    # Return the cleaned dataframe.
    return df_new
In [59]:
azdias = pd.read_csv("Udacity_AZDIAS_Subset.csv", sep=';')
azdias_encoded = clean_data(azdias, 10)
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
In [60]:
In [61]:

Step 2: Feature Transformation

Step 2.1: Apply Feature Scaling

In [62]:
records_na = azdias_encoded.index[azdias_encoded.isnull().any(axis=1)]

print('There are {} rows out of total rows {} have with missing values ({:.2%}) '.format(len(records_na), len(azdias_encoded), len(records_na)/len(azdias_encoded)))
print('Since the amount of rows with missing values is not very large, I decide to remove these rows.')
There are 151532 rows out of total rows 774743 have with missing values (19.56%) 
Since the amount of rows with missing values is not very large, I decide to remove these rows.
In [63]:
# If you've not yet cleaned the dataset of all NaN values, then investigate and
# do that now.

azdias_no_na = pd.DataFrame(azdias_encoded.dropna())
azdias_no_na.reset_index(drop=True, inplace= True)
In [64]:
# Apply feature scaling to the general population demographics data.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

scaler = StandardScaler()

azdias_no_na = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(azdias_no_na))
azdias_no_na.columns = azdias_encoded.columns
In [65]:
0 -1.746287 -1.512226 1.581061 -1.045045 1.539061 1.047076 1.340485 1.044646 -1.665693 0.388390 ... -0.977825 0.977825 0.553672 -0.553672 -10.801657 10.801657 1.164455 -0.602937 -1.257411 1.177631
1 0.202108 -1.512226 0.900446 -1.765054 -0.531624 0.318375 1.340485 1.044646 -0.290658 -0.123869 ... -0.977825 0.977825 -1.806125 1.806125 0.092578 -0.092578 1.164455 1.658548 0.758969 -0.869899
2 0.202108 0.692400 0.219832 0.394972 -1.221852 0.318375 -0.856544 1.044646 1.084378 0.900649 ... 1.022678 -1.022678 0.553672 -0.553672 0.092578 -0.092578 -0.213395 -0.602937 0.086842 0.495121
3 -1.746287 -0.042475 -1.141397 1.114980 -0.531624 -0.410325 1.340485 1.044646 -0.290658 -1.148386 ... -0.977825 0.977825 0.553672 -0.553672 0.092578 -0.092578 -1.591245 -0.602937 0.758969 1.177631
4 -0.772089 -1.512226 1.581061 -1.765054 1.539061 1.047076 -0.124201 -0.273495 0.396860 -1.148386 ... -0.977825 0.977825 0.553672 -0.553672 0.092578 -0.092578 0.475530 -0.602937 -0.585284 -0.869899

5 rows × 123 columns

Discussion 2.1: Apply Feature Scaling

There are 73898 rows out of total rows 697109 have with missing values (10.60%). Since the amount of rows with missing values is not very large, I decide to simply remove these rows.

Step 2.2: Perform Dimensionality Reduction

In [66]:
# Apply PCA to the data.
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

pca = PCA()
X_pca = pca.fit_transform(azdias_no_na)

#check the dimensionality of pca
(123, 123)
In [67]:
# Investigate the variance accounted for by each principal component.

def scree_plot(pca): #referenced from for Interpret_PC_Results_SC
    Creates a scree plot associated with the principal components 
    INPUT: pca - the result of instantian of PCA in scikit learn
    num_components = len(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
    ind = np.arange(num_components)
    vals = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
    plt.figure(figsize=(25, 10))
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    cumvals = np.cumsum(vals), vals)
    ax.plot(ind, cumvals)
    for i in range(num_components):
        ax.annotate(r"%s%%" % ((str(vals[i]*100)[:4])), (ind[i]+0.2, vals[i]), va="bottom", ha="center", fontsize=12)
    ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(width=2, length=12)
    ax.set_xlabel("Principal Component")
    ax.set_ylabel("Variance Explained (%)")
    plt.title('Explained Variance Per Principal Component')

In [68]:
#list the ratio of each component

ratios = pca.explained_variance_ratio_.reshape(len(pca.components_), 1)
In [69]:
#Check how many components need to be kept to explain at least 85% of the variability in the original dataset
for i in range(1,len(ratios)+1):
    sum_variance = ratios[0:i].sum()
    if sum_variance > 0.85:
        num_comps = len(ratios[0:i])

print("Using {} components, we can explain {}% of the variability in the original data.".format(num_comps,sum_variance))
Using 51 components, we can explain 0.8548327925674529% of the variability in the original data.
In [70]:
# Re-apply PCA to the data while selecting for number of components to retain.

#Re-apply PCA to select the first 51 components

pca = PCA(num_comps)
X_pca = pca.fit_transform(azdias_no_na)

Discussion 2.2: Perform Dimensionality Reduction

Since the intention of doing feature reduction with PCA is to reduce the dimensionality at the same time retain as much as information as we can and in PCA, we want to find where additional features do not add much more explained variability. Therefore, I decide to retain at least 85% of the variability in the original dataset since beyond 85%, more amount of components do not add much explained variability. There are 51 principal components retained.

Step 2.3: Interpret Principal Components

In [71]:
def pca_plot(df, pca, i_th_comp):
    Create a DataFrame of the PCA results
    Includes dimension feature weights and explained variance
    Visualizes the PCA results
    components_ = pca.components_[i_th_comp,:]
    explained_variance_ratio_= pca.explained_variance_ratio_[i_th_comp]

    # PCA components
    components = pd.DataFrame({'weights': np.round(components_, 4)})
    components.index = list(df.columns)
    components.sort_values(by='weights', ascending=True, inplace=True)
    components = pd.DataFrame(components.transpose())
    components.reset_index(drop=True, inplace = True)

    # Create a bar plot visualization
    fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(60,8)) 
    features = list(components.columns)
    y_pos = np.arange(len(features))
    weights = list(components.iloc[0]), weights, align='center', alpha=0.5)
    plt.xticks(y_pos, features, rotation = 90)
In [72]:
# Map weights for the first principal component to corresponding feature names
# and then print the linked values, sorted by weight.
# HINT: Try defining a function here or in a new cell that you can reuse in the
# other cells.

pca_plot(azdias_no_na, pca, 1)
0 -0.2156 -0.2149 -0.1996 -0.1949 -0.1949 -0.193 -0.1784 -0.1749 -0.1631 -0.1425 ... 0.1062 0.12 0.123 0.1248 0.1453 0.1493 0.1913 0.1919 0.1992 0.2136

1 rows × 123 columns

In [73]:
# Map weights for the second principal component to corresponding feature names
# and then print the linked values, sorted by weight.

pca_plot(azdias_no_na, pca, 2)
0 -0.3267 -0.2931 -0.2645 -0.2362 -0.1707 -0.1705 -0.1608 -0.1005 -0.0948 -0.08 ... 0.091 0.0963 0.1105 0.1192 0.1368 0.2185 0.2344 0.2366 0.3024 0.3267

1 rows × 123 columns

In [74]:
# Map weights for the third principal component to corresponding feature names
# and then print the linked values, sorted by weight.

pca_plot(azdias_no_na, pca, 3)
0 -0.3187 -0.2123 -0.207 -0.1718 -0.1714 -0.1687 -0.1661 -0.1278 -0.1231 -0.1146 ... 0.1022 0.1027 0.105 0.1165 0.2027 0.208 0.2537 0.2537 0.3 0.3187

1 rows × 123 columns

Discussion 2.3: Interpret Principal Components

1st PC: For negative values, e.g. 'PJ_decade' and 'SEMIO_REL' those two features have large weights of the same sign (both negative), then increases in one tend expect to be associated with increases in the other. For posotive values, e.g. 'ZABEOTYP_3' and 'ALTERSKA...GROB' those two features have large weights of the same sign (both positive), then increases in one tend expect to be associated with increases in the other. Also, the sign represents the direction of correlation between the feature and the PC and the weights represent the features's contribution to the PC. Therefore, 'PJ_decade', 'SEMIO_REL' and 'ZABEOTYP_3', 'ALTERSKA...GROB' contribute a lot to the 1st PC in different direction. To contrast, those two gourps of features with different signs can be expected to show a negative correlation: increases in one variable should result in a decrease in the other.

2nd PC: For negative values, e.g. 'ANREDE_KZ1' and 'SEMIO_KAEM' those two features have large weights of the same sign (both negative), then increases in one tend expect to be associated with increases in the other. For posotive values, e.g. 'SEMIO_VERT' and 'ANREDE_KZ_0' those two features have large weights of the same sign (both positive), then increases in one tend expect to be associated with increases in the other. Also, the sign represents the direction of correlation between the feature and the PC and the weights represent the features's contribution to the PC. Therefore, 'ANREDE_KZ1', 'SEMIO_KAEM' and 'SEMIO_VERT', 'ANREDE_KZ_0' contribute a lot to the 1st PC in different direction. To contrast, those two gourps of features with different signs can be expected to show a negative correlation: increases in one variable should result in a decrease in the other.

3rd PC: For negative values, e.g. 'GREEN_AVANTGRADE_0' and 'WOHNLAGE' those two features have large weights of the same sign (both negative), then increases in one tend expect to be associated with increases in the other. For posotive values, e.g. 'PJ_movement' and 'GREEN_AVANTGRADE_1' those two features have large weights of the same sign (both positive), then increases in one tend expect to be associated with increases in the other. Also, the sign represents the direction of correlation between the feature and the PC and the weights represent the features's contribution to the PC. Therefore, 'GREEN_AVANTGRADE_0', 'LP_STATUS_GROB_4.0' and 'PJ_movement', 'GREEN_AVANTGRADE_1' contribute a lot to the 1st PC in different direction. To contrast, those two gourps of features with different signs can be expected to show a negative correlation: increases in one variable should result in a decrease in the other.

Step 3: Clustering

Step 3.1: Apply Clustering to General Population

In [75]:
# Over a number of different cluster counts...

    # run k-means clustering on the data and...
    # compute the average within-cluster distances.

def get_kmeans_score(data, center): #referenced from Changing K - Solution

    #instantiate kmeans
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=center)

    #Then fit the model to data using the fit method
    model =
    #Obtain a score related to the model fit
    score = np.abs(model.score(data))
    return score
In [76]:
# Investigate the change in within-cluster distance across number of clusters.
# HINT: Use matplotlib's plot function to visualize this relationship.

scores = []
centers = list(range(1,30))

for center in centers:
    scores.append(get_kmeans_score(X_pca, center))
plt.plot(centers, scores, linestyle='--', marker='o', color='b');
plt.title('SSE vs. K');
In [77]:
plt.plot(centers, np.gradient(scores))
plt.ylabel('Slope of SSE')
plt.title('SSE Slope vs. K')
Text(0.5,1,'SSE Slope vs. K')
In [78]:
# Re-fit the k-means model with the selected number of clusters and obtain
# cluster predictions for the general population demographics data.

#instantiate kmeans
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=15)

#Then fit the model to data using the fit method
model =
In [79]:
azdias_label = pd.DataFrame({"Cluster_ID": model.predict(X_pca)})
azdias_pca = pd.DataFrame(data = X_pca, columns = ['Dimension {}'.format(i) for i in range(1,len(pca.components_)+1)])
azdias_pca = pd.concat([azdias_pca, azdias_label], axis=1)
In [80]:
Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 Dimension 5 Dimension 6 Dimension 7 Dimension 8 Dimension 9 Dimension 10 ... Dimension 43 Dimension 44 Dimension 45 Dimension 46 Dimension 47 Dimension 48 Dimension 49 Dimension 50 Dimension 51 Cluster_ID
0 5.021714 -2.575572 -3.383958 0.586823 -0.352625 -0.329136 2.185161 -1.029466 -0.068286 3.843568 ... 0.391427 -1.470281 -1.383699 1.041256 -1.405406 -0.465333 -1.935224 1.349750 -1.356977 13
1 -0.167943 -0.525999 -3.411865 2.562590 -3.519639 1.374777 -0.056040 0.931929 -0.754016 -0.763818 ... 1.495359 -0.872297 -0.417191 0.581117 0.144120 0.688093 0.043064 -0.662348 -0.938566 7
2 0.016382 0.018498 3.302479 0.375410 0.503502 -1.447855 3.448874 2.440503 -3.187455 -4.039641 ... 0.600372 0.551858 0.976149 -0.571997 -0.608306 -0.316717 -0.523525 0.954453 -0.201711 7
3 -0.636184 -1.108356 -1.679470 -2.634749 -4.093347 0.375785 0.479211 0.172083 -1.161768 0.923805 ... -0.383403 0.262006 -0.675615 -0.226452 -0.671825 -0.153991 0.543032 0.422899 0.726072 8
4 1.780428 -3.530270 -3.769986 -0.620199 -1.680378 -0.321834 -1.019091 -1.497561 0.850013 -0.610410 ... 1.743832 -0.251289 1.224359 -1.025259 0.787763 -0.469188 -0.786577 0.957872 0.459852 10

5 rows × 52 columns

Discussion 3.1: Apply Clustering to General Population

From the plot, we can see that SSE decreases with the number of clusters increading. Then I calculate the slope at each number of clusters. The slopes converge to almost zero and stabilize at 15. Therefore, I set 15 clusters to segment the population.

Step 3.2: Apply All Steps to the Customer Data

In [81]:
# Load in the customer demographics data.
customers = pd.read_csv("Udacity_CUSTOMERS_Subset.csv", sep=';')
(191652, 85)
In [82]:
# Investigate patterns in the amount of missing data in each column.
col_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'vars':customers.columns, 'count_missing': customers.isnull().sum(axis=0)})
col_with_missing.reset_index(drop =True, inplace=True)
ax ='vars', y='count_missing', rot=90, figsize=(25,5))
In [83]:
# How much data is missing in each row of the dataset now?
row_with_missing = pd.DataFrame(data={'row_idx':customers.index, 'count_missing': customers.isnull().sum(axis=1)})

#how many rows with missing value
num_miss_row = customers.index[customers.isnull().any(axis=1)]

print('There are {} rows with totally {} missing values.'.format(len(num_miss_row), np.sum(row_with_missing['count_missing'])))

#plot histogram of missingness in rows to choose a suitable threshold
There are 122246 rows with totally 2252274 missing values.
(array([1.31646e+05, 4.27200e+03, 3.81100e+03, 1.71600e+03, 2.56000e+02,
        2.00000e+01, 4.00000e+00, 3.24200e+03, 0.00000e+00, 4.66850e+04]),
 array([ 0. ,  4.6,  9.2, 13.8, 18.4, 23. , 27.6, 32.2, 36.8, 41.4, 46. ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [84]:
# Apply preprocessing, feature transformation, and clustering from the general
# demographics onto the customer data, obtaining cluster predictions for the
# customer demographics data.
customers_cleaned = clean_data(customers, 5)
customers_no_na = pd.DataFrame(customers_cleaned.dropna())
customers_no_na.reset_index(drop=True, inplace= True)
# Apply feature scaling
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
customers_no_na = pd.DataFrame(scaler.transform(customers_no_na))
customers_no_na.columns = customers_cleaned.columns
X_hat_pca = pca.transform(customers_no_na)
customer_label = pd.DataFrame({"Cluster_ID": model.predict(X_hat_pca)})
customers_pca = pd.DataFrame(data = X_hat_pca, columns = ['Dimension {}'.format(i) for i in range(1,len(pca.components_)+1)])
customers_pca = pd.concat([customers_pca, customer_label], axis=1)
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
/Users/zhenhan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
In [85]:
# a = list(customers_no_na.columns)
# b = list(azdias_no_na.columns)

# list(set(b)-set(a))
In [86]:
Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 Dimension 5 Dimension 6 Dimension 7 Dimension 8 Dimension 9 Dimension 10 ... Dimension 43 Dimension 44 Dimension 45 Dimension 46 Dimension 47 Dimension 48 Dimension 49 Dimension 50 Dimension 51 Cluster_ID
0 -7.183986 0.366557 3.699755 2.680096 -2.358042 0.821167 0.437212 -3.553714 0.028658 1.738494 ... -1.435217 0.567982 0.818363 0.862470 -0.330889 1.523359 0.047598 0.232167 -0.729795 11
1 -3.520021 4.640918 -0.803449 3.690601 -1.108786 -0.346336 -2.436571 0.395657 -0.857621 0.317275 ... -0.578397 0.650756 -0.588511 0.194856 -0.224588 -0.066171 -0.267442 -0.795579 -0.169817 1
2 1.106230 -0.723120 1.738615 -0.327879 1.005354 -2.467144 2.288124 -0.193434 -0.758722 -0.943777 ... -0.359847 0.107740 -0.763293 0.668254 -1.551412 1.589738 1.020952 -0.697533 -0.756014 3
3 -3.419595 0.459442 3.565843 3.598298 -1.169324 -0.590358 2.882020 3.816618 3.737976 2.444551 ... -1.180614 0.734572 -0.036200 0.540837 0.640490 -4.256851 -0.172702 -1.609689 1.827296 6
4 -7.220879 -0.725471 2.998015 1.846584 -1.587856 0.308693 -0.394186 -3.330859 -0.605118 2.051815 ... 0.937691 -1.003837 -0.933288 -0.656177 0.120538 0.144730 0.897769 -0.601354 -0.602777 11

5 rows × 52 columns

Step 3.3: Compare Customer Data to Demographics Data

  • Which cluster or clusters are overrepresented in the customer dataset compared to the general population? Select at least one such cluster and infer what kind of people might be represented by that cluster. Use the principal component interpretations from step 2.3 or look at additional components to help you make this inference. Alternatively, you can use the .inverse_transform() method of the PCA and StandardScaler objects to transform centroids back to the original data space and interpret the retrieved values directly.
  • Perform a similar investigation for the underrepresented clusters. Which cluster or clusters are underrepresented in the customer dataset compared to the general population, and what kinds of people are typified by these clusters?
In [87]:
# Compare the proportion of data in each cluster for the customer data to the
# proportion of data in each cluster for the general population.

df_azdias_scaled_pca = azdias_pca
df_customers_scaled_pca = customers_pca
customers_na_cnt = customers.shape[0] - customers_cleaned.shape[0]
azdias_na_cnt = azdias.shape[0] - azdias_encoded.shape[0]
n_clusters = 15

azdias_pca['label'] = 'General'
customers_pca['label'] = 'Customer'
pred_label = pd.concat([azdias_pca, customers_pca])

# some trivial calculations below
plot_data = pred_label.groupby(['label'])['Cluster_ID'].value_counts().astype(float).rename("Count")
plot_data = pd.DataFrame(plot_data)
# assign the large missingness data to a new cluster
ls = [['Customer', n_clusters, customers_na_cnt], ['General', n_clusters, azdias_na_cnt]]
for i, (label, cluster_id, cnt) in enumerate(ls):
    new_cluster = pd.Series({'label':label,'Cluster_ID': cluster_id,'Count': cnt})
    plot_data = plot_data.append(new_cluster, ignore_index=True)
# total number of counts in population and customer dataset, including the large-NaN data
total_cus = plot_data[plot_data.label == 'Customer'].Count.sum(axis = 0)
total_gen = plot_data[plot_data.label == 'General'].Count.sum(axis = 0)
# calculate the percentage distribution  
plot_data['Percentage'] = np.where(plot_data['label']=='Customer', plot_data['Count']/total_cus*100, plot_data['Count']/total_gen*100)

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15,8))
ax = sns.barplot(x='Cluster_ID', y="Percentage", hue='label', data=plot_data)
ax.set_xlabel("Cluster ID", fontsize = 15)
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage (%)", fontsize = 15)
#ax.set_title(column, fontsize = 20)
plt.annotate("The {}th Cluster represents the large missingness data".format(n_clusters), xy=(0.35, 1.02), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize = 15);
In [88]:
# filter_col = [col for col in azdias_no_na if col.startswith('OST_WEST_KZ')]
# filter_col
In [93]:
# What kinds of people are part of a cluster that is overrepresented in the
# customer data compared to the general population?

centroid_id = [11,2]
centroids = []
cluster_center = kmeans.cluster_centers_[centroid_id,:]
result = pd.DataFrame(data = scaler.inverse_transform(pca.inverse_transform(cluster_center)), \
    columns = azdias_no_na.columns, index = ['Cluster 11 (overrepresenting)', 'Cluster 2 (underrepresenting)'])
# income-related features
            'FINANZ_MINIMALIST', 'CAMEO_wealth']
# age-related features
age_col = ['ALTERSKATEGORIE_GROB', 'PJ_decade']
# gender-related features
gender_col = ['ANREDE_KZ_0','ANREDE_KZ_1']
# movement features
move_col = ['GREEN_AVANTGARDE_0', 'GREEN_AVANTGARDE_1', 'PJ_movement']
# building location
location_col = ['OST_WEST_KZ_1', 'OST_WEST_KZ_0']

features = income_col + age_col + gender_col + move_col + location_col

income = ['Income' for i in np.arange(len(income_col))]
age = ['Age' for i in np.arange(len(age_col))]
gender = ['Gender' for i in np.arange(len(gender_col))]
movement = ['Movement' for i in np.arange(len(move_col))]
location = ['Apartment Location' for i in np.arange(len(location_col))]

parents = income+age+gender+movement+location

meaning = ['Estimated household net income', 'low-income earners', 'average earners', \
           'independents', 'houseowners', 'top earners', 'low financial interest', 'Wealth Scale',\
          'Estimated age', 'Generation Decades', 'Male', 'Female', \
           'mainstream', 'avantgarde', 'mainstream vs. avantgarde', 'East Germany', 'West Germany']
summary = pd.DataFrame(result[features].T.values, \
                  index=[parents, features, meaning], columns = result.index)
In [92]:
Cluster 5 (overrepresenting) Cluster 13 (underrepresenting)
Income HH_EINKOMMEN_SCORE Estimated household net income 2.378996 5.636359
LP_STATUS_GROB_1.0 low-income earners 0.046981 0.916476
LP_STATUS_GROB_2.0 average earners 0.000574 0.078646
LP_STATUS_GROB_3.0 independents -0.001542 0.007071
LP_STATUS_GROB_4.0 houseowners 0.011603 -0.005166
LP_STATUS_GROB_5.0 top earners 0.942385 0.002972
FINANZ_MINIMALIST low financial interest 4.767436 1.769617
CAMEO_wealth Wealth Scale 2.854706 2.873221
Age ALTERSKATEGORIE_GROB Estimated age 3.143970 1.831946
PJ_decade Generation Decades 67.980166 88.111310
Gender ANREDE_KZ_0 Male 0.959185 1.038176
ANREDE_KZ_1 Female 0.040815 -0.038176
Movement GREEN_AVANTGARDE_0 mainstream -0.002962 0.917584
GREEN_AVANTGARDE_1 avantgarde 1.002962 0.082416
PJ_movement mainstream vs. avantgarde 1.016037 0.135094
Apartment Location OST_WEST_KZ_1 East Germany 0.089847 0.320586
OST_WEST_KZ_0 West Germany 0.910153 0.679414

Discussion 3.3: Compare Customer Data to Demographics Data

From the tabel, we can see that the most overrepresenting cluster (cluster 0) is the group of people, with higher income (HH_EINKOMMEN_SCORE: lower scale indicates higher income) born around 1968, involved in green avantgarde, and living in west Germany, whereas people in the most underrepresenting cluster (cluster 11) are mostly female with lower income earners, born 1988, and not a member of green avantgarde who are the opposite of people in the most overrepresenting cluster.